Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Come on March!

As usual February is way too busy. I sprint here. I sprint there. There are birthdays and a holiday and illnesses and weather and school starts to get intense and my kid is BEGGING for it to be his birthday every day. I am also not adding anything to the CARE calendar next month that I am hosting. I have a lot of midterms and papers and observations coming up.

I've been sick, busy with a sick pet and overwhelmed with planned events in the last three weeks. I'm tired. And I've had as many good times as bad, which is a nice balance, but does feel a bit like riding a roller coaster.

This morning I made it back to the gym for the first time in three weeks. And I love going to the gym. I was not alone though. I ran into one of my friends who was having the same come back experience. Her family had been ill for a bit, too.

So, I'm going to have a month of March that is all about me (and X-man's birthday, apparently). I will go to the gym. I will enter my zen eating mode rather than the cram and run. I will make sure to take time with my friends. I will get outside with Riley. I will take my family to Indy for a weekend. I will plan a trip south to see Captain Patrick for a day in April. 

Because most of my days this month are 12-hour days of just one thing after another. 

But for right now, I'm running to class. 


Amy said...

I'm pretty psyched for March too.

Yesterday was my comeback day to the gym. Man am I sore!!

The Fearless Freak said...

March is my "back to the gym" month. My mom has worked out rides so I'm done with that soon and then I get to head back to the gym on a regular basis. I need it, I feel like crud.

But for things getting less busy? Not likely. March is the tail end of my "not busy" time which ramps up about April and runs until school starts again in August. Then I get a break until October and then it is a full run for Christmas. I cherish January and Feb because it is two "not busy" months in a row! LOL

Lavender Lemonade said...

I'm getting caught up on my bloggers blogs...I'm hoping to hit the gym in March too. I am so excited to not have the pregnancy "excuse" - no more excuses, let's make changes. :)