Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Garden Renovation begins!

On Sunday, I set up 3'x12' worth of garden boxes in the backyard. Yesterday, I filled them with dirt and compost and planted vegetables.

Last night, I marked up the yard for the landscaping company that is coming to rip through the sod and then amend the soil beneath in several areas around the house... just as soon as the top soil dries out from last week's 5 consecutive days of rain. Then I have to go pick up some perennials to plant. 

In other news, MacTroll has backpedaled on his offer to dethatch the yard. Instead, I'm calling a yard company to come do it and to slit seed/aerate. 

I'm also finally going in to get blinds on the first floor of the house in the next couple of weeks. And then we should be completely done with the summer 2008 big projects. Only a hundred little things left to do. :-)

Next summer... we're going to look at installing a walk to go from the west side gate to the patio.

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