Thursday, May 7, 2009

Grubs, grubs, everywhere, grubs

I dug out a lot of grass that had grown into the garden today. (I can't wait to have my edging installed soon!) 

And when I did, you want to know what I found in a single 12" x 12" space... over 20 ugly, nasty, white grubs: the precursor to Japanese Beetles.

Which may be another leading cause to my weird, extra thatchy yard... 


Andrina said...

We have grubs also - racoons come along, dig up the grass and eat the grubs from underneath.... course, we also have a pesticide ban in this city, so garden centre recommended nematodes -

SunnyD said...

Great minds think alike on the nematodes. :-) We think that's going to be our long term solution.

Amy said...

I was planting flowers yesterday and found grubs too.

I almost puked. Those suckers are nasty!!!