Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Cuteness of Almost 4

X-man is having a string of friends at school turn 4 this month. I know that his 4th birthday is approaching, but I'm also noticing how much "3" behavior is finally waning. He can play with his friends without bossing them around ALL the time. He can interact. He can go it alone. He's being more polite to most other people (who aren't his mother or father). He's using his words to describe how he feels. His most frequent feeling is frustration, however. But hey, I don't care how frustrated he is -- he still can't stay in the car by himself while I go into the store, he still has to wear a coat and hat when it's -3 in the a.m. and 8:30 p.m. is still bedtime.

He's completely obsessed with reading books, which is awesome. They've been talking about the author and illustrator at school, which we started covering at home in November. But now we've moved on to wanting to know about the publishing company and how a table of contents works. It's kind of fun to see his brain process.

We got some credit at Barnes and Noble and spent it on 5 books of X-man's choice. Shocker that 2 of them were DC Comics books. One of them was the Superfriends and it didn't have Wonder Woman in it. X-man got very upset. He did not think it was fair that Wonder Woman was left out and Aquaman was inserted -- when he wasn't one of the original six who started the Justice League. (Can you tell we're a geek family?) So I took him next door to Toys R Us. And after tons of searching we finally, finally,  found a set of Justice League Unlimited figures with Wonder Woman in it.

So now Wonder Woman can fight the criminals, too. He's my little feminist kid, and I love him for it.

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