Wednesday, March 17, 2010

23 hours

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Toronto. It's just me. My friend Andrina is picking me up at the airport and we're getting pedicures, doing some shopping and going out for a girls' only dinner. I am very excited. I love visiting friends, but I also love Canada. And there might be a healthy dose of excitement about a butter tart in there, too.

I started packing my bag last night trying to decide what Non-Mom clothes to bring. I have workout stuff, too. That is if my pulled left abdominal muscle and my right knee, which has gone wobbly today, can get out of their funk.

X-man was really pretty miffed that MacTroll was coming home tonight only to have me roll out of bed and off to the airport tomorrow. "We should be together as a family. Daddy misses you. We want you to stay home."

Seriously, if he was a Mom I'd read this as a totally manipulative guilt trip. But he's not. He's 4. And he loves when we're all together. But at the same time, I have to go. It's good for me. It's good for him to have alone time with Dad. It's good for Dad to have alone time with him. And I adore them both, but really -- Mommy needs to sleep and have non-kid related discussions and carry her vowels in adorably awesome ways.

I'll take my camera, still debating taking the corset. :-P

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