Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tramps Like Us...

I went out this a.m. for my longest run yet. I meant to go 8 miles, but ended up at 8.57 because, um, I got lost in the Devonshire subdivision and before I knew it -- boom, I was at Devonshire and Mattis.

I was supposed to turn earlier and head through Morrissey Park across from X-man's school. But I apparently missed the turn and just kept going. But Lance Armstrong congratulated me through my iPod when I ended my workout. I hadn't heard a congratulatory voice through my iPod in a while. I was also glad to get it over with while the rain was just spitting at me, versus right now, when it's a bit more -- yuck.

It's supposed to rain for the next several days, which depresses me a bit, but at the same time, I really enjoyed the smell of wet earth going through the neighborhoods today. It felt like spring, even though I know it's not. For me, spring usually starts after the last freeze... which sometimes gets us as late as May 1.

I have a 5k to run next weekend on the U of I campus. It's my first race since November. I'm not sure what I hope to accomplish any more when I sign up for these competitions besides the fact that it keeps me motivated to keep moving, keep running, keep going back to the pool (which I don't do as often as I wish I could) and keep going to the gym to get on the stationery bike. I'll set out on the road to do some real biking soon. I'm not sure when it comes to the triathlon if the biking will do me in or the swimming. I feel equally blasé about both.

MacTroll's friend Jef Mallet is a triathlete. He does a lot of his signings for his Comic "Frazz" at bike places (because Frazz is a bike enthusiast). I remember when X-man was a baby, we bought him a onesie with this strip on it. It's still my motivation moving forward with all this exercise.

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