Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Confessions of a Grumpy Woman

No one wants to hear a rich girl talk about being on a budget.
No one wants to hear a skinny girl talk about her weight worries.
No one wants to hear the friend whose always got the time and the inclination for sex with her/his significant other gush about how great it is.
No one wants to hear that you get to go on a fabulous vacation when others are stuck in their homes paying back debt.
No one wants to hear that you've got all kinds of life skills that they don't have.
No one wants to hear that you're endlessly remodeling your home.
No one wants to hear that your kid is some kind of cognitive or artistic genius.
No one wants to hear that you came into money due to the generosity of a family member.
We say we're happy for you. But really we're envious.
We want to be happy for you, but we just can't get past the fact that we've got to work harder to have less than you.
My cheeks are red with jealousy.
Are yours?

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