Wednesday, January 21, 2009

25 Minutes

So I have 25 minutes of "unscheduled" time today. And I'm spending it blogging while I suck back a Vitamin Water and scarf down a Weight Watchers TV dinner. Feel special. Seriously.

Yesterday, President Obama asked that we all push up our sleeves and get to work on making some serious changes in our country. And although I've been a volunteer on some level for over 10 years now, I took on a new responsibility today that has me very excited.

While I go to school hoping to one day be a teacher of little people (ages 0-5) because I appreciate them on many, many levels, which is why I organize my parent group, I miss one of my old passions, animal rescue. 

If you know me, you know that my family shares our lives with some furry felines and one loving and neurotic canine. And obviously, my hands are full with geriatric cat issues right now, but something I can do -- that does not require hands on time -- is to help the Champaign County Humane Society write their monthly e-newsletter. 

As of today, that's my new responsibility, and I'm very excited to be a volunteer. The director and staff at CCHS are very friendly and professional. So, I'm hoping this becomes a positive experience for all of us and allows the executive director an extra hour a week or so to deal with many of her other copious responsibilities. 

Either way, between CARE and CCHS, I'll be logging between 15-25 volunteer hours a month in community organizing and community service. I've also got a full-time class load, and am a single parent 3 weeks out of the month next month. 

So if I look a little frazzled between now and my spring break, you'll know why. After March 20, MacTroll's road show for work is over (he's going to 2-3 different cities every week, 3 weeks out of the month), and we miss him. I also won't be going to school over the summer, unless it's an online course. And I'm trying to find someone who would be willing to be the CARE organizer starting Oct. 1, 2009. 

But what I appreciate is that I absolutely love all of the "responsibilities" I have. Better yet, what I hope I'm doing is teaching by example (which is very important according to our president and my early education books). Quite simply, I'm focusing on trying to teach X-man to be kind to others, no matter their species, color, age, religion, culture or sexuality. 

What I hope he understands is how to value diverse ideas as he grows older and makes his own decisions. 

Kindness and Tolerance. Kindness and Tolerance. Kindness and Tolerance. 

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