Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When the Energizer Bunny Dies

I have a lot of energy.
I've been called "perky" to the point of excess throughout my life.
I try to zero in on the positive.
I spend a lot of time trying to figure things out in my head to the point where every boyfriend I've ever had has told me it's a turn off that I think too much.
But yesterday and today, I've been downright tired.
Usually, I'd chalk it up to my low iron issues.
But every once in a while, I think I just wear out and need some recuperation time.
My body tells me its had enough way before my head listens.
So, right now, I'm lying in bed, book on my chest, computer on my lap.
My eyes are closing.
The alarm is set for 3 p.m.

Please don't think less of me.


Quigs78 said...

I never judge where naps are concerned! I so desperately want to nap today. Yesterday's adventure took its toll on me.

But I'm waiting for Habitat to come and collect our stuff. I'm hoping they come in the next twenty minutes so I can lay down for a bit before the kids wake up.

iamarogers said...

sounds like a well-deserved nap to me. i must admit, i am slightly jealous. :)

Leah said...

I'm *highly jealous! Is it so wrong I'm looking forward to James' family visit next summer so I can alternate afternoons of napping with afternoons of going to the coffee shop by myself with a good book or some knitting?