Friday, September 4, 2009

X-man and Pretty Girl: Cooperation

X-man and Pretty Girl had a playdate this morning. They did really well together. There were lots of hugs and train and space ship play. It was very restful to sit on the floor and watch them interact. 


iamarogers said...


Quigs78 said...

Aww! :)

Leah said...

So, is X-man more like PG or like Max? Or is it situational? Like, if Max isn't around, X is quiet and sweet..

SunnyD said...

I always look at Pretty Girl and think of how many similarities she and X-man had at the same age. They're both pretty independent, fearless on the playground, outgoing, huggy and overly friendly to strangers. But X-man seems to process that Sam is younger than he is. And sometimes he's very sweet with her and other times, he's like an annoyed older brother who just wants her out of his way. But he does love her dearly.

But since he and Max are only a couple weeks apart, they kind of reach the same developmental milestones at the same time.