Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday at Home

My mom is visiting this week, and I'm trying to come up with things we can all do together today. I have Physical Therapy at 10 a.m. for my back, but I was thinking about taking her and X-man to the movies after lunch. I think I'd want to see Despicable Me, but X-man has his eyes on the Cats and Dogs movie.

We have a few errands to run this afternoon since friends are coming over to grill out, as one of our  friends who moved away last summer is in town for a visit.

It's supposed to be cooler outside today, but I still think it's too muggy for a lot of outdoor time. Tomorrow we're heading to Bloomington to do the outdoor spray park and the Miller Park Zoo.

My body seems to be recovering a bit from the ugliness of the last 7 weeks. It still doesn't like to run on pavement, but a lot of that is due to the almost 2 months where I haven't been running and a complete mental block. I'm afraid it will go out again, and my life demands mobility. I haven't taken an Aleve in four days, which is nice.

Parenting struggle today: As a kid, is it emotionally harder to A) Know your friends don't want to play with you? or B) Know your friends don't want to play with you but also understand the only reason they're allowing you in their games is because an adult told them they had to?

1 comment:

Rudy said...

I don't know the right answer as far as being a child goes. I think the right solution is for the adults to include everyone because 4 year olds are still learning how to be friends and most of the time... they just are not good at it quite yet. Sorry you guys are having friend struggles :( Big K can run into those same issues at times.