Monday, April 11, 2011

Love 'em and They Leave Ya Every Time

Grrrr. I went to Body Bar class at the Savoy Recreation Center today expecting to see one of my two favorite Park District Fitness instructors: Emily. I didn't get to go last week because of Jury Duty, and as it turns out... Emily accepted a job in Chicago and is moving ASAP. But she gets benefits with that job, so who could blame her?

I hate that. It's like when I was at the Fitness Center and the Magnificent Melissa took a job with Les Mills and stopped teaching Body Blast, which was my favorite class there.

Mmmm, maybe I need to stop getting attached to classes that start with double Bs?

Either way, the sub today was very nice, but holy smoke the class was overcrowded.

I saw a mess of people at the ARC this weekend when I was running, too. So many that they were walking to parking spaces over by Assembly Hall after their workouts because the lot next to the building was full.

And today Body Bar really needed to be moved to the gym. Since it didn't look like it was moving, I left and went to the weight room. I'm guessing people tried on their shorts this weekend and didn't like what they saw. Or they know that swim suit season is peeking around the corner...

I have yet to try on any of my summer clothes yet. So they're braver folks than I. :-)

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