Friday, July 20, 2012

Ignoring Heartbreak

In April 2007, I met Libbygirl and Lightning McColin at a CARE meet up. X-man was 13 months old, and I was totally gun shy of mom groups after having some scary experiences at two others in town. But my slobbery giant blonde boy fit in really well with her smiley, boy-who-likes-to-run. As an added bonus, I also met Me and My Boys.

Here we are over 5 years later, and today, the boys had their last C-U based play date. We met them over at the Anita Purves Nature Center to do a little scavenger hunt/hike and then played inside before going back to their house to eat our picnic lunch (did anyone else think it might rain this morning?).

After three hours, we all hugged and said goodbye and wished Thunder McGavin a happy fourth birthday. And off we went. I'm trying to pretend that I'm not having a hard time. I just can't imagine not seeing them at the Y pool or out to bowl or doing an absentee-spouse dinner date every few weeks.

But as Libbygirl pointed out, we're both headed to the same coast. And, well, she knows that we have a habit of showing up when we say we're going to show up somewhere. :-) So, maybe instead of meeting up at Curtis Orchard, we'll meet up at Yosemite. Or maybe X-man and I can drive a VW camper bus to Portland? :-)

We're already planning a Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend trip to Dallas to visit the Super Neighbors. But my how the next year will be different without them in our day-to-day lives. We will miss them terribly.

Thank goodness for FaceTime!


~rachel~ said...

You guys had a great day to be outside! :)
It's crazy how quickly time has gone and how fast these boys have grown up!

The Fearless Freak said...

First of all, 4th birthday, are you kidding me? He is BABY Gavin and is simply not allowed to be 4!

And I agree, we are absolutely going to miss them. At least Tory posts pictures occasionally on FB, so I can follow them on there :)