Sunday, November 29, 2009

Good Mom Days

Today, X-man and I enjoyed a day to ourselves. It started with breakfast at Le Peep at 8:30 a.m. A kid's pancake sandwich for him and a breakfast banana split (yogurt, fruit and a sprinkle of granola) for me. Then we went grocery shopping for a few things and ran into one of my classmates. She hasn't been in class for a while because one of her friends, Holly Cassano, was murdered a few weeks ago in Mahomet. She was at work. I sent her some info on our last assignment today. But mostly, I felt pretty terrible. I know if one of my friends was killed, I'd probably want to curl up with my baby for a good long time, too.

After shopping, X-man played playdough while I sorted through a mountain of laundry that MacTroll managed to bring downstairs and then just dump next to the washing machine. I don't normally do his laundry -- it annoys me how many clothes he has. Seriously. It's a stupid amount of clothes. When my hamper is full I know I'm about out of socks and underwear and I have no clean running gear left. When his are full, it means -- nothing. So he keeps piling crap on top of them. I keep wondering at what point I'm allowed to just go in and start retiring things. Sigh.

After the laundry, I helped clean up playdough and X-man and I played some games together. Then we had lunch and got ready to go to the pool, where we met up with the wilier parts of the Freak family and Libbygirl's crew. After an hour, my lips were blue, so we packed it in for home. This afternoon was spent watching TV (How It's Made and Handy Manny), me feeding my child 1/4 bag of Pirate Booty and playing his version of "games" over and over again. Then he pulled out my favorite toy, the Lego trucks, and we were skateboarders on our way to a competition.

Dinner was easy, talking him upstairs into the bath was easy. I'm hoping him falling asleep after all the activity today is also easy. Because the truth is that I'm tired today. It's been a long weekend, and I've been getting pretty crappy sleep for some reason.

So, wish me sweet dreams tonight. I've got to get the nipper up early to take him for a check up at the dentist... He loves Dr. Rose, so this should be okay, as long as I can get him there on time for the 8:30 a.m. appointment.

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