Thursday, November 5, 2009

A House of Colds

Both X-man and MacTroll have colds. X-man's is just a clear runny nose and some coughing at night, but no fever. Unfortunately, the coughing keeps him up a lot, so he can't sleep well and it makes him erupt into tantrums (not unlike his mother when she's sleep deprived).

MacTroll has chest congestion, headache and a low-grade fever off and on. He's upstairs sleeping in. I'm doing okay so far. No signs of a cold. I'm hoping the virus I had in early September was my bug -- and that I'll make it through for awhile. At least until the other two are better.

1 comment:

Midwest Mom said...

This is an awful year for getting sick. My first grader has been home from school all week with a (sometimes scary) fever and cold symptoms. The doctor says it's not H1N1... I'm grateful for that.

But, I'll be more grateful when we're all back to normal!

(Good luck getting your household healthy!)

- Julia at Midwest Moms