Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Elephant and Piggie

I'm going to claim Mo Willems as my favorite children's author right now. Not just because I find the Knuffle Bunny stories sweet or the Pigeon stories HILARIOUS, but because Elephant and Piggie are totally our favorite stories to read around here. Usually, I have to do some mild tap dancing to get X-man to read to me at night.

But with Elephant and Piggie -- I read Elephant's part and X-man reads Piggie's parts. And we go through the books. All of the books. And he loves them. He particularly likes when Pigeon ends up as drawings on the end sheets.

He's reading words I didn't know he could read like "crazy" and "happening" and "broke." And the stories make him laugh.

So, if you're trying to check out Elephant and Piggie books from the Heartland System or from Carrie Busey Elementary School, we have about 7 at our house right now. I promise to return them as soon as possible.

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