Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Toys, Toys, Toys

We're on a little bit of a budget crunch due to everything in the world being due in may (property taxes, car insurance bill, blah, blah, blah), so it's so nice that The Full Mommy would put up a contest to win a couple of $25 gift certificates to for just looking the site over and telling Kangarooboo what we like. (A tip of the hat to Lavender Lemonade for letting me know about it!).

Kangarooboo carries a lot of eco friendly toys. We already have a set of the Plan City vegetable dye car and trains and the garage that X-man got from Santa, so I went in search of something extra special... and I found this:

The Plan City Sports Car. It's red. It's convertible. It's hot. X-man is big into cars. I can see him pushing this one around everywhere.  :-) 

My second favorite is this little dude:
Petite Collin Bahamas. He's very hip. And let's face it -- he's cool in the photo with his hand shoved in his pocket and his baggie shorts and smart hat. Plus, when you see him next to the Panama or the Mariner doll, he looks sooo laid back. (Go Caribbean!) X-man has a baby of his own around the same size that he takes in the bathtub occasionally to wash while I'm washing him. Maybe when the budget crunch is over (my guess is it will be around holiday time) I'll have Petite Collin Bahamas as a crib buddy with X-man's "Baby." But we'll have to find cooler names for them because this doll doesn't look like he needs a pram! He's a big boy doll, which is good because I have a big boy.

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