Monday, December 7, 2009

A Balancing Act

Yesterday I woke up ready to run... in my brain. I also woke up with a dry mouth, sore throat and nasty cough from postnasal drip. I decided to let my body rest a bit... so instead I cooked, baked and cleaned from 7 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Then I had some CARE friends over to bake (holy cow they are awesome bakers and decorators). We do this at the holidays and then combine all of our cookies for teacher/neighbor gifts, etc. It's also a really nice way to spend the afternoon.

I stepped on the scale yesterday after a hard food week. I hate out three times (which is really hard to track). The worst was when I took MacTroll out for his Christmas gift on Friday night.

We drove down to Effingham and ate at the Firefly Grill and then went to the (now deceased) Rosebud Theatre to see Lewis Black. It was the first time in many months that I ate with my gut (literally) rather than my brain. And I felt pretty terrible about the whole thing. So when I stepped on my scale I was not surprised that the number went up instead of down. One week out of four in maintenance goes this way. It's an indication of my slowing fall. And, of course, it keeps me hovering in the low to mid 160's just slightly above the normal BMI of 159. So each time it happens, I get my brain and butt in gear and regroup. Then I have three good weeks. The crappy week always seems to follow a hormonal surge that drives the food cravings -- go figure.

But it's annoying. The scale stuff. The cold. The fact that I won't meet my calories burned goal, but will meet my 40 runs in 8 weeks goal. The fact that I went to bed last night at 6:30 p.m. absolutely exhausted, woke up at 7 a.m. this a.m. and still felt -- bleh.

And then there's the fact that one part of me wants to crawl back in bed this a.m. and the other part really wants to go to the gym and do a Body Blast class for the first time. But I also know I have to do my last Child Psych online test and work on my paper for class.

Now if only my child would eat his breakfast. Because that's the first challenge today.


Quigs78 said...

I'll be at Body Blast this morning, but I don't know if you should go if you're not feeling 100%. I like to think I'm pretty active, and this class kicked my ass last week.

Then again, you have a higher tolerance for pain than I do. ;)

SunnyD said...

Yeah, it's not gonna happen. If I do that I won't have enough energy to do my test, go to maintenance and work on my storytime for Wednesday's meet up.

Unknown said...

I think you'll be really pleased when you start swimming. I think it will also be motivating. I look forward to swimming in a way I don't for any other exercise. Now if only Henry wanted to go as much as I do!

iamarogers said...

Did you realize you said, "I hate out three times"? You must really hate the balancing act!

I saw you ran this morning. Crazy girl. If you're sick, please take it easy. Your health is very important.

SunnyD said...

It's funny, but I feel better in my body after I do it. Plus, I like that when I run, I do it alone and can control the effort that goes into it. But it did wear me out... I've got some errands to run after lunch and then I'm going to take a nap, wake up to grab X-man and then come home to make dinner and do my LAST child psych test (can this semester just be over already?)