Sunday, December 30, 2012

X-man, this is Harry Potter

I'm so excited. For years, I have wanted to read Harry Potter to X-man, but he wouldn't let me. He could not get passed the idea that Harry's aunt and uncle disliked him and made him live under the stairs. But now that he's been on a roll with the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, he's interested. I told him that if he could stomach Lord of the Rings (the movies) he was totally ready for Harry Potter.

But the deal is I have to finish the Fortune Wookiee chapter book we're reading right now before we can start on it. Usually we only read 1 or 2 chapters a night. But since, he's given me permission to read HP, I read 75 pages to him on the way from Bloomington back to Savoy yesterday. :-)

I've got over 2/3 of the book done, but I'm trying to get through it so that we can start the new year with a new chapter book.

We'll see if that happens.

I don't think I've read the original HP in over 10 years. It'll be nice to reread it!

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