Sunday, August 10, 2008

Home -- AGAIN!

So we're back from Rolla. We rolled in and X-man jumped out of the car and immediately went to his sandbox. I noted the yellow grass and turned on the sprinklers and then ordered pizza from Old Orchard Lanes (they deliver if you live in Savoy). It was really good -- very Monical-esque.

I have sugar snap peas in my home garden, two tomatoes are finally turning red, the two pumpkins are turning orange and I have a few baby acorn squashes on the vines. Hooray.

Mostly, I noticed MacTroll finished the northwest side of the fence for me in my absence (we apparently need more paint). Plus, he wiped down the kitchen and the breakfast table. Tonight is also clean sheet night. Hooray!


Quigs78 said...

Yay for being home!

And bonus points to MacTroll for painting while you were gone! :)

Amy said...

We love Old Orchard Pizza! My favorite is Pepperoni & Pepperoncinis. Delish =)

Congrats on your garden! I was too lazy to start one this year. It sounds like you're going to have a bountiful season, YEA!