Friday, August 29, 2008

Last Post Today, I SWEAR!

I want to announce that today for the first time since he turned 2 (almost 6 months ago), I got X-man to go to bed at home for nap on his own without having to be driven around town in his car seat. Sure he whined a bit. Sure he tried to make me read more than the one book that I promised. But in the end, he left my room with his extra books, went into his, crawled up onto his bed and fell asleep. 

Right now, in this moment, I feel more accomplished than I have ever felt in my life. I'm recognizing the miracle that just happened and the AWESOME Mom I am...

and I'm rewarding myself with a nap.


~rachel~ said...

Awesome! How exciting, enjoy your nap!! It was so nice when Rowan FINALLY started falling asleep on his own daily- probably 6months ago.

Misc said...

That's fantastic! I never accomplished this with either of mine.

When Flynn was a baby I used to stick both of them in the car and pick a direction to drive (Let's see, do I go to Bloomington today or Decatur or Danville?) and head out.

Thank God that's over with.

Quigs78 said...


And dude, you ARE an awesome mom. You didn't need an uneventful naptime to tell you that.