Monday, August 31, 2009

The boring blog

Most of my entries are not so exciting. Mostly, it's just me using the internet as a way to take time doing something that isn't a chore. I like to keep busy. It keeps my mind from wandering too much, but I've had something happen a few times in the last couple of weeks, so I'm making it my entry. I don't know quite what it says, but I'm pretty sure that mostly it says, that I'm sorry.

I know a lot of cool people. It's amazing really. And I want to spend time with all of them, but for some reason my schedule lately reads like a Victorian era dance card full of gentlemen I don't know and don't know if I care for. And in between these crazy gentlemen are my friends, my lovely friends, who I never get enough of. 

Quigs mentioned the other day that our kids haven't had set playdates because my schedule is crazy. Roger Rogers and I suspended our weekly Monday playdates during the summer because of X-man's swim schedule and then because of his broken leg. And although we're resuming them the Monday after Labor Day, it still feels like forever since I've seen her. Dinner plans with Harley didn't work out almost a month ago, and I've been crappy about getting back to her about rescheduling. I used to walk every Friday morning with Special K, but then her work kicked into gear and my school got crazy and we stopped. I think about Freak and Lavender every day. I got a whim to go walking the other night and phoned up Libbygirl, crossing my fingers she'd want to meet us at Meadowbrook. She did, and it was lovely, as always. But it made me miss her terribly, particularly when she starts talking about selling her house and moving at the end of her husband's postdoc. I feel guilty that the last two times X-man has seen his buddy J-man, he's been with MacTroll. I'm always running off to get crap done, rather than getting down and spend time with them, too. And as KTDID moves forward with her new job and settling into the community, I don't feel like she and I get very much KTDID/Dana time because X-man is always around. 

And then there are the people I so want to be friends with, but can't manage my time to fit them in. The Runnergirls, the Canadians, the two moms at X-man's school that I've talked to about playdates, but haven't followed through on. The swimming pool return I owe RunMamaRun, the quick visit to Make-up Girl's that I'll hopefully get to follow up with regarding a day trip to the Indianapolis Zoo. And after years of talking about it I finally got a shopping trip scheduled with Womanthatrolls in Oakbrook for the end of the month. 

But I feel like I've completely blown off my sister, CaptPatrick and Fargo. Not to mention others that don't have code names that I'm forgetting to name right now (since X-man is in the tub and I'm just too tired). It's terrible. I need to start saying no to things. I need to focus on my family, my school, and where I want to go with my career. Did I blog yet that I applied for a part-time pre-school teacher position in town. I haven't visited their program yet, I do that on Thursday a.m. I haven't decided if I want to work yet, or if I think I'll just ask to be a sub. If the program is ideal (it really fits with my crazy schedule) I may just go for it. 

But right now, I seem to be having so much time go to the weight loss project, trying to deal with my child's broken leg and rehab and keeping up with house crap -- the time slips away. If I didn't plan things a month in advance, I wouldn't get to do anything. And how many people have to do that? 

This is where I say I'm sorry. And that I'm a bit of a loser. I'll try to do better. 


The Fearless Freak said...

We love you, even if you are kind of flaky :) I think we've all been pretty bad about getting together this summer. MT said to me the other day "are you EVER going to call Quigs so we can see Bubba and PG" I said "we see them all the time, what are you talking about" but then it occurred to me that I see Quigs but I couldn't remember the last time the kids had gotten together. I promptly sent an email and all was right in the to preschool world.

All that to say, you aren't alone in your lack of follow through.

Anonymous said...

You are not a loser! You are incredibly busy and incredibly good at getting the vast amount of stuff into your life that you do! Hell, all I do is work and stress about working. But I am going to change my life too and start living my priorities (their names start with a B and a C and I plan to put someone with the initial K on the priority list too! Oh, I suppose a M has to go on there too!!). Anyway, my point is, and I do have one, I would love to see you more but understand that the world moves fast and I will take whatever time we can figure out how to get on the calendar. So, I pledge to do better too!

PS Some day will you teach me how to choose an identity so I can properly post these comments?

iamarogers said...

If you are a flake, I'm a super flake. One thing I love about our friendship (and our other friends here) is that time may pass, but we can pick up where we left off from last we spoke. We all know, it's not personal, it's just life.

And if scheduling a month in advance is the only way to see you and yours, then so be it! (although I mean a last minute reminder.. haha) We'll make it work.

Love you!

Quigs78 said...

I'll take whatever Loosey time I can get! Even if it's a call at 10pm to go to some 24 hour megastore. :)

And even if we aren't able to plan out the fun stuff, you're still a fantastic friend that I know I can count on for anything. Including a 2am wake up call to come and sit in my house while my kids sleep so I can say goodbye to my furbaby. THANK YOU.

Lavender Lemonade said...

I second what Rogers said, we all know its not personal, its just life. :) No worries, Loosey.