Saturday, August 8, 2009

Date Night

Last night my father stayed home with X-man while MacTroll and I went to see Julia and Julie, directed by Nora Ephron. I had been reading reviews and a few of them had noted that not only is it a fun story for foodies (anyone who likes butter, in this case...) but it's a fun movie for married people. I had never read those words in a movie review before. 

Usually "chick flicks" are about finding a "prince" or a "hero" (hello, Pretty Woman), or they often portray marriage in a  horrible "Disney" light OR they show how marriage is a gigantic downer and always falls apart, so why bother? 

Instead, this film showed a range of marriage issues, but for the vast part, in particular, Julia and Paul were very inspiring. And they were so freaking nice to each other -- even when they weren't. Mostly they appeared to find great humor in one another. I wonder if this is because they found each other later in life? But they weren't bogged down in the day to day, even when the day to day found her husband being questioned by the Feds thousands of miles away from her...

It was a highly entertaining film. Joel and I laughed through most of it and held hands during the most endearing as well as the sadder moments. It's one I'll be purchasing and putting on my DVD shelf for the days when I don't feel so fabulous about coupledom. It reveals the big picture of married life, which so many people don't get to see because they haven't been together long enough to appreciate it. 

In other movie news, Roger Rogers and I are finally going to go see The Ugly Truth. We had plans to go see it two weeks ago, but X-man broke is leg so I had to cancel. Two movies in two days? What is this world coming to? 

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