Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Making a Change

I've lost quite a bit of weight since February. It's enough that people notice. It's enough that I freak out every time I put on my pants and find them around my ankles. And most people think that when fat people get thin, it's about finally not being lazy. Because in our society Fat=Lazy. It's a terrible stereotype. 

I didn't suddenly not get lazy. I mean really, that's what facebook time is, right? I've just changed my daily priorities a lot in the last six months. And some of those changes I've loved and others I've hated. But my reason for doing so, I hold very close to my heart. I have this little boy who is not unlike his mother. He's fiercely independent, wildly active and he loves sports. I decided that if I wanted to keep having quality time with him and to keep up -- the pounds were going to have to go. 

I've watched other people have serious health issues: Diabetes, heart disease, etc., and with each new diagnosis the doctor tells them to eat less, exercise more. That advise is obviously ineffective in America. And although it may be true, unlearning eating habits after 30, 50, 70 or more years is damn difficult. So they keep eating, keep working a zillion hours in a day, keep eating large portions, keep turning to cake when life gets rough, and for a lot of people they are living the lives they want, so why change? 

I have never lived my life for anyone else. I've always made my own choices and tried to be respectful of those that share their lives with me, but I didn't make them. I made X-man. He didn't ask to be here. And he needs me. I'm his mother, and that's a huge connection. I see other parents who have lost that over the years, and I note what happened and I wonder if it will happen with my own child as he grows. 

I want to live my life with my child for as long as I can, in as good of health as I can. I do this for me because I love me -- and because I am completely in love with my little family. They need me.

As MacTroll says, "Without you -- we're screwed."

So, yeah, I rearranged some of my priorities... :-)


Mama2SweetBabyJames said...

MacTroll's quote is funny and so true. :-)

You're a great mama and a hard-working lady. WTG on the weight loss, you've made great choices and literally worked your butt off! Keep it up.

Lavender Lemonade said...

Good job, Loosey. I know its not easy to "rearrange your priorities". I hope I can follow your lead some day.