Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Old Friends

My friends Beth and Bob, who live in Philly, had a baby girl, Annika, on May 17. It's their first child and they had been waiting very patiently for her arrival. 

On May 30, Bob's father, Robert, died at age 53. Today is the funeral. And the fact that Annika won't know her paternal grandfather is very much on my mind. 

Since I don't believe in an after-life, death probably seems more desolate than it does for people who do. But what I do like to think, is that the spirit of those we loved lives on inside of each of us. 

That said, I know Bob and Beth are going to be awesome about telling Annika stories about Robert. He's got a colorful history in that 53 years. Some of the stories will have to wait until she is much, much, much older (Polyesters Dance Club!). :-) But they'll be recalled fondly all the same.

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