Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wicked little thief, I am

So the power went out at 10:30 a.m. at my house. It's still out at just past noon. There is a giant flatbed truck with a crane outside my house replacing one ugly green box with another ugly green box that looks to be the exact size and shape.

The mysteries of Ameren CIPS.

When the power goes out at my house, I realize I have no clocks that are battery powered. There's one on the wall in X-man's room, but um, the rechargeable battery ran out two days ago and I haven't charged it yet... instead placing importance on replacing the halogen bulbs in my ceiling fan in the family room. Boy that was a dumb choice, apparently. Oh well, I've never been good at gambling.

MacTroll's battery-operated whatsits have gone from beeping every few minutes to a constant warning beep. I could turn them off, but then I'd have to leave my bedroom, which currently has the only moving air in it since none of the ceiling fans work. And it's pretty warm out there, if my brown grass is any indication.

But, Loose, how are you on the internet? You ask. 

Thank god for the 785 people living in the apartments on the other side of us, and that a couple of them are okay having open access networks. Yes, I'm a thief, but seriously, if the power doesn't turn back on by 3:20 p.m., I'm going to have to figure out how to manually open the garage to make it to pick up X-man and get to our playdate.

It shouldn't be too hard, but I like pushing buttons, as my spouse and all of my ex-boyfriends will tell you. I, like X-man, prefer a good button pushing. There's a lot of clarity in the cause and effect relationship there.

Oh, and don't worry, the container of 1/2 the fat Edy's mint chocolate chip ice cream was the first thing I rescued from possible spoilage from my freezer. So far today, 3 point breakfast made up of yogurt and granola, 16 oz of water, 3 stalks of celery (0 points), and 3 points worth (1/2 cup) of low-fat ice cream... Well, shit, it's not like I can heat up my leftovers!

Maybe I need a nap. We have to have a travel alarm clock around here somewhere. Oooh, maybe in the basement!

My priorities are so screwed on straight.


Amy said...

I steal internet all the time when ours in down. For some reason Comcast has frequent outage issues in our neighborhood. I do get a little worried since my firewall pops up and says something like:

Everything you say, think or type from now on could possibly be seen and therefore judged or stolen by someone else. Is that cool with you?

For some reason I always click yes. I just need my crack, damnit!

~rachel~ said...

You're lucky I think most people by us have dial-up so when ours is out I have nothing :(

Way to rescue the ice cream, there is nothing worse than melted ice cream!! Glad to hear the points on that too, I'll remember that when I start back into WW. That is if my 30lbs hasn't melted off by Saturday- I have hope!

Jenna said...

First of all, the ice cream doesn't was a rescue mission, it had to be done.

Don't feel bad about stealing have to have your connection to the world.