Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Things that make me feel better when I'm sick

I took X-man into school today, and as we walked through the halls, one of the Tigers (his new 3-year-old room starting on Monday) saw him. His eyebrows raised and he got excited. Then he turned back to the class and said, "I just saw Xander! Is he coming to our room today?"

It was like my kid was the bees knees for that little boy. 

I also learned from Ms. Jen that during his visits to the Tiger room, X-man has been waving to the Wonder Twins through the bathroom during potty time. (They share a bathroom with two toilets in it).

As for me, I'm still sick during these lovely weather days. I think I'm propped up by Dayquil right now, but I took a midterm in my Program Planning for Young Children class today, and I think I did pretty well.

Now I'm resting before I start in on my pro-bono projects.

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