Monday, March 16, 2009

Too beautiful of a day...

But I ended up sleeping through most of it.


Because I woke up with some kind of annoying flu. Chest congestion, sore throat, chills. I took X-man to school, turned in my homework at Parkland and turned right around. I had some hot chocolate (in the box, hot chocolate for those that are wondering) and took myself and Rileydog up to bed. 

And I fell asleep. I woke up an hour later shivering like crazy, even though I was under a feather down comforter. I was so cold that I spooned the dog for warmth. I woke up an hour later and had three cats lying on various parts of me. They're not fools. They know when their owner needs some lovin'. 

I set the alarm for 3 p.m. and it's good that I did, because I don't know if I ever would have woken up, except for the occasional hacking cough, when I rolled onto my back.

At 3 p.m. I snoozed the alarm. It took me until 3:45 p.m. to actually get out of bed. I got dressed, went downstairs, ate lunch, and at 4:50 p.m. I finally went to pick the X-man up from school. And holy, moly did I feel guilty about it. But I figured he'd rather run around with the Turtles or the Tigers on their playground than come home and be with a sick mom.

I was feeling better after my marathon sleep. Enough to stand in the front yard while X-man and our neighbor ran around for an hour. Then I brought him in for dinner. And he spent the night hanging out with an episode of Todd's World from the library and a library DVD of the Wiggles. 

He was great at bedtime. And now I'm sitting here, another cup of hot chocolate later, ready to turn off the lights. Riley is asleep and Maya, Clawdio and Nyssa are staring me down. 

It must be that time. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a little bit better. I'd like to get a walk in if my lungs are feeling up to it.

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