Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fine Living Network

It rained all day yesterday, and X-man was a huge handful. So we had the TV on for a break from having to build and rebuild little garages for his cars out of Jenga blocks. What I learned from being in a house with Dish is this: if X-man's favorite cartoons (Bob, Thomas, George, Blues Clues, etc.) aren't available, X-man would rather watch Iron Chef or Anthony Bourdain or Bizarre Food on the Fine Living Network than family friendly sitcoms (he booed The Cosby Show and Full House). 

This is all new to me:

A) Before vacation, I didn't know there was a Fine Living Network.
B) What am I going to do if he grows up and asks for Shanghai crab brains or Spanish Bull Balls for dinner? I mean, seriously. 


Quigs78 said...

These are the things you miss out on without cable! I LOVE Iron Chef. They're coming out with a Wii game for it...I'm so excited.

Do you ever get to see the Food Network? One of my ultimate faves...I would think you would like Alton Brown (Good Eats), and he hosts the Iron Chef (American version) on FN.

But seriously - tv shows about food - it's a win/win for me. :)

Cyberchick said...

One of my good friends hosts a show on Fine Living! (I had never heard of it either before she worked there). It's called Taste for Adventure. You didn't see it, did you? We don't have FL at home.

Misc said...

Bourdain and Zimmern (host of Bizarre Foods) are on the Travel Channel as well. Evan really digs the freaky food show and said he'd try most of the stuff shown. Including the bull penis and still- beating cobra heart. Uh, no thanks.

SunnyD said...

I've never seen Taste for Adventure, so I'll scan the guide and see if it's on when we're watching TV tonight.

Misc, we watch all of our TV through the internet, so we don't have Travel Channel either, although I should see if they have it somewhere... we do occasionally buy things through iTunes though.

I think the big news is that we're hoping to spend some of MacTroll's year-end bonus money on a TV for our living room and finally use the Apple TV we bought 2 years ago that is still sitting in the box when we realized it wouldn't work with our old, old, old 19" TV in the basement.