Friday, September 19, 2008


I had a full, full day today. 

At 8:30 a.m. we dropped X-man off at school. He was happy to be with the Turtles, we're always thrilled with how much he has always loved his teachers. I can't tell you how exciting it is for me to see him learning and enjoying and behaving, even though his behaviors have fallen off track at home this week. 

After the drop off, MacTroll dropped me at the Fitness Center. I didn't get there as early as I would have liked, but I did get 15 minutes in on the elliptical and then I did a 30-minute stretch class. And truthfully, after you do the stretch class, with the lights dimmed and your body all happy, you don't want to do more. So I'll have to work on getting there by 8:30 so I can get in some cardio and then do stretch MWF. 

Afterward, Quigs made me laugh so hard, I shot water through my nose. To make up for it, she drove me to the CARE garden, where we met Freak, Libbygirl and MacTroll and disassembled our garden as it has nothing left to harvest. 

I sent a message to the Urbana Park District letting them know that we were done. I got three replies. The first two were "great thanks!" The third was a reminder that I had to keep everything weeded. Fat chance. I'm never going back. They can keep my deposit and try to use it to fund Crystal Lake pool now that they have declared it's going down the tubes.

Afterward, I headed home with MacTroll and ate a little sandwich and then I went out to paint the fence (yes, I'm still doing that project -- hush). We have these huge flocks of blackbirds, I think they're cowbirds that are just going between our houses sitting on the rooftops and hiding in the fields. Well, I heard them all take off from my house in a whoosh, but what I didn't expect to see was two of them over my right shoulder about 5' in the air in a full dive. Two pulled up, but one of the two got it's head smashed to the ground by a Cooper's Hawk -- Four feet from where I was sitting.

The little bird went with the momentum of the slap, and tried to escape on the other side of the fence. The hawk anticipated this, so he was there to scoop the wounded bird up and take it away. In other words, Mother nature got her freak on in my backyard and I had rock star seating. Sweet.

I finished 3.5 panels in 2 hours. And it was hot, so I took a nap. 

Most of the paint is scrubbed off of me after a quick shower. We picked up X-man and took him to "Family Dinner For Pirates Only" at Long John Silvers. I had never eaten there before, but it's "Talk like a Pirate Day," so we thought it would be fun to make the kids dress up and go out to eat, but X-man didn't want to wear a hat. Nor did he want his friends to wear hats. See him here with Bubba. -- 

He also kept telling us he wasn't hungry on our way there. And then when he got in the restaurant and saw the French Fries, he went crazy with tears until he had his own kids meal (not with french fries -- he shared mom's) but with a granola bar and goldfish. 

Afterward, we ran some errands and then took X-man to Jarling's for some frozen custard. Two little boys from Kankakee had come down with their parents to go to the Apple Orchard and were spending the night in town. X-man liked them immediately, when the little boy Nolan said, "Hello!" X-man hugged him. Then we had to sit with them while we ate, and X-man kept passing his Sheriff car between the two of them sharing like a champ.

After that we took him over to a Central football game to see our friend The Boy cheer on the team after attending a cheerleading camp. 

It was really crowded and stuffy. Before the halftime performance. X-man was playing with some other little cheerleaders, who were jumping up and down on some old bleachers and then jumping off. 

They were also standing on the seats with one leg on the seat in front of them, and X-man would run underneath their skirts. MacTroll and I were laughing in hysterics. Then MacTroll went to the bathroom, and I got hit on. Boy, it's been a long time since that's happened. But hey, he seemed like a decent guy in our 30-second discussion. 

And really, after that I just want to collapse. Cause tomorrow, I have tree purchasing, a strength training class, a neighborhood cookout and a Mom's Night Out at the piano bar. On Sunday, the load is a little lighter and more home focused until 3 p.m. when we have a huge CARE carnival at in St. Joseph. 

And then it's Monday, back to the grind. :-P


Quigs78 said...

Woohoo for getting hit on! Seriously, I love your kid and I love to read about what you guys do all day, but I could've used some more information there.

You know how I am. ;)

SunnyD said...


For the inquiring minds it went something like this:
"Cute kid. He looks like he's ready to play with the big boys out on the field."

"Yeah, he's pretty fearless."

"Do you have another one with the cheerleaders?"

"No, a friend's son, is cheering, so we came to watch."

"What are you doing after the game?"

"Probably going home with my husband and putting the little one to bed."

"Aww, you're married. Well, I'd probably marry a sweet girl like you, too."

"Have a good night."

"You too."

So, apparently high school football games better than going to the bar in this town for the over 30 crowd. :-P

Anonymous said...

It sounds like he was not paying tons of attention to MacTroll catching x-man in that picture there. Oh well. A HS football game is not where I would troll for chicks if I was single again, but maby I should keep it in mind just in case.