Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big mouth

So, my whole life I've had this terrible, terrible talent for opening my big mouth and putting my foot right in. And I don't have dainty feet. 

I notice that my ability to do this gets worse when I'm tired. And since I've been at the front lines with a non-sleeping toddler this week, I've been worse than normal. 

It's like torture, the sleep deprivity. And I don't know how to describe it to people who aren't also going through it (or haven't recently). Most people with kids between infancy and 4 years seem to get it. Others might remember it, but they don't want to hear about it. They just want to tell you their way to fix it. 

And when that happens, I get way defensive. 

There's no actual point to this blog than to say, I'm a moron, and I'm sorry, if I made anyone angry this week. I'll try to get my shit together for next week and be back to plucky Looseyfur.

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