Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Saturday that Didn't Suck

Today was an awesome weather kind of day. Apparently some more cold fronts are headed here with some dismal April rain, so our family decided to head out and enjoy it.

This morning I took a walk with SuperShanna across the street. It was just her and I (which should be some kind of red letter date on our calendars) and our dogs. We walked for 40 minutes and then headed back home so she could head out to the Prairie Gardens open house with her madre. 

Meanwhile, the boys were into laying around in their underwear this morning. So, by the time everyone was showered and dressed, it was time for lunch. Then at 12:30 p.m. we headed downtown. I went to see the 1 p.m. showing of E.T. at the Virginia. I was sad that it was the "remastered" 20th anniversary edition (meaning there were parts where it clearly wasn't the original puppet thanks to CGI and they eliminated all the adults drawing guns at the kids). I was surprised at how many people took their really little kids to see it. I saw it in the theater when I was 6. I remember it being really scary, but inspiring. But mostly what I think is that those kids in E.T., with their single Mom, kicked ass. Seriously. They were kind, considerate, resourceful and even in the face of dumb ass other kids -- they got what was important and what wasn't. On that end -- Steven Spielberg did a clear job of making all of the adults (except the Mom) evil. 

I laughed and cried like crazy. 

Meanwhile, MacTroll took X-man to the Orpheum for the egg hunt. It was supposed to start at 1 p.m. but they waited until 1:15 p.m. in case there were any late kids. X-man is not patient. But as it turns out there weren't many kids there. The big kids (over 4 crowd) had their eggs outside. The little ones had their eggs inside. X-man filled his basket with around 48 eggs and was very happy with all of his plastic stampers and gizmos and "Poop Candy" (Tootsie Rolls). 

We did the weekly grocery shopping. MacTroll put away the groceries and X-man and I went outside and roller-skated. He's getting pretty good at the 2 level on his adjustable Fisher Price skates. We also met our new neighbor, T-man, when he was coming back from a run. 

All the excitement and fresh air was followed by a full belly of watermelon and brats -- and X-man was out at 7:15 p.m. on the couch following his first Japanese Animé, "My Neighbor Tortoro."

Me -- I'm heading out to see Adventureland. Yeah, that's right. I don't see movies for months but when I do go, I see two on the same day. I'm unpredictable like that. You can't stop me. I'm a rebel. :-P

This is the first time I've been online all day, and I see I have some work to do for the CCHS newsletter. Hopefully I'll get to that tomorrow afternoon. 

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