Thursday, May 8, 2008

Teaming up: Parents of kids with pink eye unite

So, my kid was restless after only 24 hours of staying at home. He can't help it. He's very social. He likes to get out and about. He likes to go to the park. He likes playdates and roaming and walks with the dog... so the fact that he has a contagious virus and that it's been cold and rainy for two days straight does nothing for him.

At 9 a.m. this morning, I came to my wits' end and called in the reinforcements. My good friend Rogers lives just a few blocks away, and by some kind of miracle both of our kids have the exact same contagious virus... so we decided to start a pink eye colony of warmth and acceptance. I went over to her pad and the boys played and played and played for two hours (with awesome non-sick mommy assistance by Rogers' mom Mimi). There was sharing and hugging and all kinds of good stuff going on between the X-man and his buddy Curious J. I was very proud of them both.

Afterward X-man ate his grilled cheese, drank his milk and took a nice 2-hour nap. 

In 24 hours, my single parenthood is supposed to come to an end for the weekend. I think I'm going to try and spend it sleeping to get rid of my cold and my sore throat. 

1 comment:

Quigs78 said...

So is there a meetup group for kids with impetigo? I'm glad you and X got out and had some fun! And I'm even more glad that you'll get a break this weekend. I can't wait to see you guys on Saturday - it feels like forever!

And I hear ya about not having playdates - we're starting to feel like hermits over here, so we'll be out and about next week for sure...