Thursday, April 9, 2009

Seriously, WTF is Wrong with Pants?

I know I've talked about MacTroll's family venting issue, which I'm considering a biological attribute. But X-man has also picked up a particular die-hard environmental behavior from his father. 

He hates pants. 

Every morning since he learned to say, "no" we've had a struggle over wearing pants. Any kind of pants. He only wants to wear a shirt, a diaper and his socks -- maybe -- if his feet are cold. He even tries to get away with it in the Tiger room.

As you can see the dislike of pants is well documented: 

So, if you see X-man around town and he's in pants. Could you tell him  how awesome his pants are? Maybe he'll be more likely to want to wear them, if he knows other people appreciate that he's dressed.


Quigs78 said...

LOL I've been greeted at the door by a naked X-man, so you could be happy that he's at least wearing his pull-up! :)

And oddly enough, Bubba refused to put his pants back on after his mid-morning diaper change today. He was obsessed with the home inspector and following him around all morning - pantsless.

Anonymous said...

K likes it if I let him pick his own clothes and if that means his booty is covered by pants, I don't even care if his clothes match. He is the king of sweats and brown dress shoes... otherwise, he runs around in undies constantly. His dad is the same way. Maybe it is hereditary.

Mama2SweetBabyJames said...

According to Dr. Sears, some children are just more sensitive than others. Hyper-sensitive children may truly feel pain from things like tags, tight waistbands or certain textures.

This describes my nephew Owen to a T--he has always HATED pants. The more verbal he became, the more he could tell my sister about which pants hurt him and why. My sis has to be extremely picky when buying his clothes, but she has successfully found pants that don't make Owen upset.

IDK if that is helpful, but just wanted to throw it out there.