Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Annoying and Cute Post: It's a little salty and a little sweet

The road in front of my subdivision has been closed going west since Monday. The construction was supposed to be over at the close of business yesterday, but this morning when I went to take X-man to school the construction guys were still working. This annoyed me. A lot. 

I ask X-man every morning and before bed every night if he wants to use the potty. A few weeks ago he was interested. Now he doesn't give a damn. But I feel like I should ask, even though the answer is always no. Incentives and praise and positive reinforcement aren't enough... so we'll give that some time.

On the way to school X-man wanted to count. So we started counting. He always stops at 24. I'm not sure why... you'd think if he got 21-24, he'd just keep going with 25, 26, 27... but he doesn't.

I got him  up to 30 and then this is what happened.

"X-man, what number comes after 30?"


"What day comes after Monday?"

"MY BIRTHDAY! Happy Birth-a-d-day to Xander..."

See where this went?


~rachel~ said...

I love how they talk. I want to hide a video camera and tape everything Rowan says- cause he won't talk if he knows it's on.

Rowan counts to 13 and says it like 5 times before he'll go to 14- it's wierd like his brain just gets stuck- everytime!

Amy said...

That is adorable. JB gets stuck on 17. After 17 it's 11-teen then back to 14 then up to 17 and back to 11-teen. Round and round we go. If I help him up to 20 then he'll do 20-29 but has no idea where to go from there. =)