Saturday, October 25, 2008

This Little Light of X-man's

Last night as we drove home, X-man fell asleep at 8 p.m. in the car. As such, MacTroll and I let the dog out, fed the cats dinner, dimmed all the lights and then I got an overnight diaper ready while MacTroll carried X-man to his room. 

He slept all the way upstairs. He slept through the diaper change. He slept through me putting some PJ bottoms on him. We kissed him goodnight and then we went to our room.

It was 8:15 p.m. We watched some TV and then we went to bed. Around 3 a.m., X-man's witching hour, he woke up. He ran into our room, and MacTroll moved over and let him climb into bed. And then at 4 a.m., our cat knocked over MacTroll's water glass on his night stand. Computers and phones were far away, so it was no big deal. But it woke me up with a start, which woke X-man up, which woke MacTroll up, so he could clean up the mess.

Then I realized that X-man's diaper was leaking a bit. So I went to go get him a new one. The hall light was on. When I opened his bedroom door, it was like walking into daytime. Every light in his room was on. Before he came to our room he ran around turning on all the lights.

And he does this all the time, even in the day time. He does it at other people's houses too. More lights, more lights... 

He must have some kind of investment in the electric company.

1 comment:

libbygirl said...

Mr. Libbygirl will actually close the blinds so that it is dark enough to turn the lights on. It drives me crazy.