Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's Not Personal

So tonight I made dinner. I made two new items.

One was a pasta, that would probably play better in the summer, but I had fresh basil and tomatoes from the garden, so I decided to use them.

The pasta "sauce" was made up of chopped tomatoes, basil and garlic while mixed in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then I added toasted pine nuts and cubed mozzarella. When the farfalle noodles were done, I added them to the pasta with some of Mactroll's favorite (proscuitto ham) and tossed them (recipe from Williams & Sonoma). 

Then as a side, I took MacTroll's lead on how to get him to each green vegetables. I roasted brussel sprouts covered in oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and bacon. Seriously. Then I sprinkled on grated parmesan (Recipe from the Stonewall Kitchen).

We sat down to dinner. MacTroll devoured the pasta happily, but swallowed one leaf of brussel sprout and dumped the rest on my plate.

Next time I can make all of this stuff sans meat and be a bit healthier. 

X-man wouldn't even sit with us. He had nothing but 2 cups of chocolate milk. 

I know I'm a much better baker than cook. But I'm not bad. I 'm really not. In fact, I'm slightly above average. I have no passion for it. But it bewilders me when I make an effort at something new and the boys freak out about trying new things. I mean, X-man I understand, he's 2. But I've seen MacTroll (in photos) eat tiny crabs whole and I've heard him talk about eating fish that were still so raw that they were still flipping in his mouth after some Japanese Chef cut off its head and sliced off the scales. 

So, I don't know what made him so freaked out about vegetables. He claims he never enjoyed them when his mother cooked them. But to have traveled around the world and eat stuff he couldn't even identify and still freak out over vegetables is just weird. 

Tomorrow, we're eating out at Flesor's for lunch with the playgroup, and then we're going out for tapas for Joel's birthday at Radio Maria's. Saturday though, I'm making chicken corn chowder for dinner.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree though, the pasta sounds great, but I will not eat most veggies, and brussel sprouts are something that I have NEVER liked, so I give him points for at least trying one. Freak will not try any types of new foods which sometimes I think that there are things that she would really like if she only tried them. She is getting a bit better about it though and she has tried things in the past few months that I would have never guessed she would.


Quigs78 said...

I loves me some brussel sprouts and those sound de-lish!

You can cook for me anyday. :)