Thursday, October 23, 2008

In My Experience: Hope Feels Way Better Than Resentment

MacTroll and I finally made it over to the County Clerk's office to vote today. That felt good. So good that I swear as I stood in the hall waiting for MacTroll to finish I got teary-eyed at the people lining up to also take part in early voting. 

There were seniors, college students, couples and more diversity in that line than I think anyone in the entire nation thinks is possible for a "flyover state." 

It was awesome. 

Afterward, I dropped off a donation to A Woman's Fund. Nothing special just some laundry detergent, toys for the kids, some old desk lamps we aren't using at the house any more. It wasn't anything big. But it felt good.

Now I'm getting ready to beat the rain and go grocery shopping. 

However, this morning, life was really annoying me. MacTroll is in a tizzy over the economy and when he gets worked up, he gets me worked up. As the non-money-earner I start to feel guilty and useless. Then I think about all the stuff I do do for my family, and I feel under-appreciated and resentful. Every thing I do starts to feel repetitive and useless. And then I get grumpy. I hate when I spend all of one day in bliss and the other day pissy.

However, voting cleared all of that up. It made me hopeful and purposeful. 

I did a light 30-minute elliptical run at the gym this a.m. I do hope on making it in to the strength training class on Saturday at 10:30 a.m., but it will depend on if it's raining or not. If it is, I'll be there. If it's a nice day, I'm on X-man duty while MacTroll works on the privacy fence.

Tomorrow is our annual pumpkin painting/carving at our house. This was last year's experience... clearly it is an event not for those with OCD. :-)


Quigs78 said...

I love starting new traditions with the kids - and X-man looks like he had a blast last year!

But holy crap, I had a heart attack when I saw that picture. :)

I feel you on the non-"working" member of the house thing...but I'm pretty good at getting over it, especially when N asks how my day was and I can list a million things I got done with or for the kids that he wouldn't be able to do without me. No offense to him, but I'm pretty damn good at not "working" with my kids.

The Fearless Freak said...

I tried to comment earlier but Blogger was messed up. I was going to say

I'm totally not OCD but that pictures stresses me out a little. I imagine Quigs would simply keel over! Sounds like I was right on.

Glad that something as simple as voting made your day so much better.

Lavender Lemonade said...

I love, love, love that picture of X-man painting. Next time you're sending in an Iphoto order...I'd like a copy of that one - 5x7 por favor. :) Its so great.

-B. said...

You are doing THE most important job on the planet. Even if you don't wash a single article of clothing, put a single dish in the dishwasher or vacuum up one strand of pet hair - you've accomplished so much because you are raising your kid. And I appreciate you, by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!