Saturday, October 4, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

I'm down and out. I was feeling great this morning while I worked with the kids at soccer. I came home and played with X-man for several hours. We had Mac and Cheese for lunch and then suddenly I became really lethargic. 

X-man just wanted to watch Curious George, and since he's got a respiratory infection and TV, cars and the train table are really the only way to slow him down I ended up lying on the couch. Then at 3 p.m. I felt too bad to lie on the couch. I got X-man to come upstairs with me, where he watched the same episode of the Backyardigans almost 4 times. 

He laid next to me with his head on my chest, and I listened to his Darth Vader on Pop Rocks breathing. And I kept feeling colder and colder and colder. MacTroll finished his part of the fence and came inside to find me with red cheeks, chills and a sore throat.

Thirty minutes later the low-grade fever started at 100.5.

Tomorrow, it looks like my first 8 a.m. may be a visit to Convenient Care. Maybe I'll run into all of you there. I just can't get the energy up to go right now. 


Quigs78 said...

Poor peanut. X-man with his URI, Freak with bronchitis, RF with strep, and me with my bronchitis/pneumonia.

We should start a sick ward and all watch bad reruns and pass germ-infested popcorn back and forth.

We'll make Rogers watch the kids. :)

Amy said...

"Darth Vader on Pop Rocks"

Hysterical and sad at the same time =). Poor guy!

SunnyD said...

Convenient Care says I have an upper respiratory infection. He said I need to stay home through Tuesday. X-man is on the rebound. So I think I'll be sending him to school tomorrow, unless he takes a turn for the worse. But he's improved greatly in the last 36 hours.

3 days at home for him. 3 days at home for me.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get the rest you need, the cuddles you need, the food that makes you feel better, and all the help you need from those around you. Sounds like everyone there's sharing the love ;)